What Do You Think?

Randy Atkins
Randy Atkins

PostedMarch 21, 2015

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  • Shawn Xu
    Shawn Xu

    Posted 10 years and 8 months ago

    Shawn Xu from Anhui, China comments on Grand Challenges
    The 14 NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering can help us to target our research direction and try to solve those problems that affact our life most.
  • Varenya S.
    Varenya S.

    Posted 10 years and 8 months ago

    Varenya S. from Dallas, TX comments on Grand Challenges
    I will be going into 8th grade this fall and I recently found out about the Grand Challenges of Engineering through the TexPREP program which offers a 24-day camp about STEM careers, particularly engineering. I found it very interesting to read about these grand challenges. Our world is being harmed by countless hazardous materials as we speak. We need to keep Earth clean and I feel that it is the biggest issue. One of the grandest challenges engineers face is keeping the Earth clean and free of harmful materials.
  • Jade Bernier
    Jade Bernier

    Posted 10 years and 10 months ago

    Jade Bernier from Yakima comments on Grand Challenges
    I think this website is very good and had potential.
  • Rahul Hambarde
    Rahul Hambarde

    Posted 10 years and 10 months ago

    Rahul Hambarde from Maharashtra comments on Grand Challenges
    I wanna make the suits which can fly ,defend and attack and contain a man controlling the suit like iron man
  • Csanadi Tibi
    Csanadi Tibi

    Posted 10 years and 11 months ago

    Csanadi Tibi from Birmingham comments on Grand Challenges
    I like to take this challeng to study more about the engineer tools
  • Amit Kumar
    Amit Kumar

    Posted 10 years and 11 months ago

    Amit Kumar from India(U.P.) comments on Grand Challenges
    First i wanna tell my innovation to make a ingine of water to use in vichle
  • Derek Ramsay
    Derek Ramsay

    Posted 10 years and 11 months ago

    Derek Ramsay from South Africa comments on Grand Challenges
    All of the above grand challenges are fairly high-tech in nature with one exception. This is the one concerned with providing access to clean on water. Since the basic principles of water treatment already exist, I would imagine that this p[articular challenge might take on forms such as appropriate adaptation of technologies to suit small scale water treatment applications for example for rural areas and villages. I would imagine that the emphasis in innovation might be in cost effective adaptations as there often will be little funds available in the regions concerned. Any advanced technologies (e.g. nano-filtration) might e.g. more applicable to areas where clean drinking water already exists and not to those that lack basic potable water.

    Hence, this particular challenge may well lie squarely within the appropriate technology. I am a chemical engineer. I have been looking at appropriate technologies in the area of water treatment. I must say that even these do exist as there are companies that have containerised small water treatment plants. The challenge may be to produce a super low cost water treatment plant that can be run by a village.

    I would like to follow this up further. I am pleased that there is at least one relatively low-tech grand challenge on the list.

  • Andres Vazquez Bastidas UPBC
    Andres Vazquez Bastidas UPBC

    Posted 10 years and 11 months ago

    Andres Vazquez Bastidas UPBC from Mexicali, B.C. comments on Grand Challenges
    It is an excellent article on the engineering, I agree challenges as security cyberspace isn't good, needs system to block access from outside attacks, obvious than the potential solutions for example, data in computer systems and to verify user identities, with this finding and catching criminals who commit cybercrime and cyberterrorism.

    how can this affect the increment the people use computer and technologies so fast?
  • Katherine Cleland
    Katherine Cleland

    Posted 10 years and 11 months ago

    Katherine Cleland from Seattle comments on Grand Challenges
    A grand challenge will be to protect our oceans by cleaning up the microplastics in the gyres, and reversing acidiification.
  • Thobile Maqume
    Thobile Maqume

    Posted 10 years and 11 months ago

    Thobile Maqume from Eastern cape comments on Grand Challenges
    I want to be a electrical engineering so i want to challages i will face in this career and obstacles and problem solving this challage
  • Ramon Jarquio
    Ramon Jarquio

    Posted 10 years and 12 months ago

    Ramon Jarquio from New York 11361 comments on Grand Challenges
    We are now in the age of computers and the truth is easily exposed using basic mathematics and physics and the power of computers to do the numerical calculations required in the equations that we derived for a particular problem.
    Microsoft Excel can be applied by the computer to perform any numerical calculations required in the equations derived mentioned above. Approximate methods may not be correct anymore once the exact method is applied.
    The whole world is still using the approximate method exemplified in technical books and favored by authors and college professors who had been brainwashed and buried using existing literature even though computers are all over the place.
    I am the only one in the world doing the ‘rotation of axes’ while everyone is copying the ‘principal axes’ in any given rectangular and circular section. I have shown the way in all my presentations and technical books on the analytical method in structural analysis.
    It is obvious that a new paradigm from the approximate to the exact method is called for everybody to discover the truth about anything using basic mathematics and physics learned in school. A serious researcher should follow the saying ‘seek ye the truth and the truth shall make you free’. Tons of literature based on approximate methods should now be discarded in favor of the discoveries which can be made by this new paradigm.
  • Lorin Symington
    Lorin Symington

    Posted 11 years ago

    Lorin Symington from Canada comments on Grand Challenges
    I believe my team and I are on track for making solar energy economical. the vast majority of energy used on earth is in the form of heat. Solar Concentrators are relatively simple to construct and can provide enormous power without needing specialized tooling. All you need are steel profiles or wood, and lots of mirrors. Scale-up of low tech solar thermal like Solar Fire Concentrators is only possible with machines made from off the shelf components.. not with multimillion dollar specialized factories. We need a technology simple enough that it can spread at the grassroots.
  • Balu

    Posted 11 years ago

    Balu from Guntur(INDIA) comments on Grand Challenges
    We have to build a thought for future challenges..Is it possible build a ship traveling under the sea?????????????Think like MECHANICAL Engineer..........
  • Sandy Liu
    Sandy Liu

    Posted 11 years ago

    Sandy Liu from Chandler comments on Grand Challenges
    I'm an engineer by training. It's inspiring to read the challenges listed out like this. I wish there is a share button though to make it viral to increase it's impact.
  • kunda

    Posted 11 years ago

    kunda from Goa,India comments on Grand Challenges
    I was fascinated by the solar/wind car developed by an engineering student of Shivaji University Kolhapur. Can someone give more info ? I want to post the news.

    Posted 11 years ago

    DAVID RAMOS from MEXICALI BC comments on Grand Challenges
    The challenges that engineering has run, surmounted on a admirable scale inventions from aerospace, chemical research, new processes and products etc. have been overcome, thanks to technology and its incredible progress, as we can read here in these articles.
  • Bilbo Baggins
    Bilbo Baggins

    Posted 11 years ago

    Bilbo Baggins from Hobbit Home comments on Grand Challenges
    Virtual reality already exists and is very advanced.
  • karima

    Posted 11 years and 1 month ago

    karima from pakistan comments on Grand Challenges
  • Calderon, Francisco
    Calderon, Francisco

    Posted 11 years and 1 month ago

    Calderon, Francisco from Mexicali, B.C comments on Grand Challenges
    about making the most economical solar energy I think it would be one of the biggest challenges for engineering and there are many of General Interest. I think we would have to focus on people and how you think about this, change the culture and show the future benefits .In my city this would be very beneficial because we paid big money for the electric power and is one of the hottest places in the planet so it's a necessity have air conditioning. I wonder if anyone knows how we could make this possible? or how we can sensitize the people about this topic?
  • karen

    Posted 11 years and 1 month ago

    karen from mexico comments on Grand Challenges
    In my opinion this page is very interesting and helpful to people like me,that want to know more and more about the world and the things that are happen around me.
    Maybe in the future I can be one of the people who is writing in this page.