Ideas from the Public

Nicole Flores
Nicole Flores

PostedFebruary 14, 2008

On January 10, 2007, the National Academy of Engineering launched this Website to receive ideas from people around the world about what engineering challenges were most important to them.  

Well over a thousand people from more than 40 countries submitted comments.  The NAE collected this impressive body of (usually serious, often imaginative, sometimes wacky, and ever hopeful) ideas for its committee to use while forming their own answers to the question: What are the grand challenges for engineering in the next one hundred years? 

Those thoughts are preserved here, as the active discussion moves on to focus on the engineering challenges proposed by the committee.  Thank you for sharing your ideas!

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  • David Bend
    David Bend

    Posted 10 years and 7 months ago

    David Bend from Utah, USA comments on Ideas from the Public
    I think that their are many engineering challenges that are regularly presented. One such challenge that I have found is concerning the optics and lens crafting niche. It seems that while the improvements that were made over the last 50 years have plateaued and some members of society with poor eye site have been left wanting. This is a good example of a challenge that can be found in engineering:

    Thanks, David
  • anna biondi
    anna biondi

    Posted 10 years and 9 months ago

    anna biondi from new york comments on Ideas from the Public
    I just want for this Academy to find a way to stop criminals from using electromagnetic, laser, etc. against innocent people. I read that these attacks are impossible to detach, and this is way I am hopping that the National Academy may intelligently be able to solve this horrified crime.

  • isaac

    Posted 10 years and 10 months ago

    isaac from england comments on Ideas from the Public
    eco earth in all sujects and all departments of education and implimentation from power and energy generation to automobile manufacture and household appliences, on a industrial economical pthway to safe guard future generations
  • isaac

    Posted 10 years and 10 months ago

    isaac from england comments on Ideas from the Public
    eco earth in all sujects and all departments of education and implimentation from power and energy generation to automobile manufacture and household appliences, on a industrial economical pthway to safe guard future generations
  • isaac

    Posted 10 years and 10 months ago

    isaac from england comments on Ideas from the Public
    we need to incorperate river relife systems in places prone to flooding as there occurance is due to increase and become a seasonal thing in some parts of the develop and non developed world i have an idea in mind an it is feasible where is the out let in a society that puts money and profit over creative iniative when it could help so may
  • vapour darkcloud
    vapour darkcloud

    Posted 11 years and 2 months ago

    vapour darkcloud from strike together comments on Ideas from the Public
    air like greenhouse gas should be captured and use to move turbine to create electricity and we have to capture greenhouse gas before it effect environment and humanlungs
  • Olarotimi Onayemi
    Olarotimi Onayemi

    Posted 11 years and 3 months ago

    Olarotimi Onayemi from Lagos, Nigeria comments on Ideas from the Public
    One (1) Technology to Develop Africa, my home, our home, the last frontier please! please!! please!!!
  • Rik

    Posted 11 years and 5 months ago

    Rik from Lincoln comments on Ideas from the Public
    Could the same technolgy used for railguns or monorail be used for the launch of space craft or at least used to reduce friction against initial take off?
    Reducing need for fule & wieght?
  • shoring calgary
    shoring calgary

    Posted 11 years and 6 months ago

    shoring calgary from href=" comments on Ideas from the Public
    I'm just learning about shoring and I think construction is incredible. Thank you for establishing this site I hope I can add to it.
  • Nikhil Gupta
    Nikhil Gupta

    Posted 11 years and 6 months ago

    Nikhil Gupta from India(Punjab)Jalandhar City comments on Ideas from the Public
    Dear Sir.
    I have a design of Submarine ,with which the Submarine
    can go into extreme deep waters,which is not possible
    presently,at the same time there is no need of tanks to
    be filled with water for going downward.
    Waiting for your reply.

    Nikhil Gupta
  • Kevin

    Posted 11 years and 10 months ago

    Kevin from Newington, Virginia comments on Ideas from the Public
    Two words: Energy Efficient Energy
  • Graeme Kilshaw
    Graeme Kilshaw

    Posted 11 years and 11 months ago

    Graeme Kilshaw from Victoria, BC comments on Ideas from the Public
    The grand challenge for engineers in the next one hundred years is to create, disseminate, and advocate for innovative and replicable communications and teaching tools that will enable students embrace the global information economy and prepare for 21st century business jobs. Engineers will open the door into a new, global information paradigm, embracing the friendship cube as a concrete tool to move humanity forward.
  • Graeme Kilshaw
    Graeme Kilshaw

    Posted 11 years and 11 months ago

    Graeme Kilshaw from Victoria, BC comments on Ideas from the Public
    The grand challenge for engineers in the next one hundred years is to create, disseminate, and advocate for innovative and replicable communications and teaching tools that will enable students embrace the global information economy and prepare for 21st century business jobs. Engineers will open the door into a new, global information paradigm, embracing the friendship cube as a concrete tool to move humanity forward.
  • Barbara

    Posted 12 years and 3 months ago

    Barbara from Florida comments on Ideas from the Public
    Marie, Calif. - IN TOTAL AGREEMENT. One has to have the unfortunate experience of hearing/feeling or having health seriously affected by unwanted man-made low frequency noise/vibration. It seems only the UK & Netherlands are recognizing & studying. No need to attempt alien contact using big dishes as this earth must already look like a big shining ball spinning in space due to the world-wide environment being filled with electrosmog from Wi-Fi, smart meters, cell phone antennas, wind farms,government experiements, etc.. Add underground noise and vibrations from the increasing growth of natural gas pipelines and the noise from compressors/generators. And the airborne/groundborne noise from industrial/commercial air-conditioners , chiller towers behind shopping malls, blower noise from municipal water plants, etc. To those who do not hear or feel any of this disturbance, do not think "tinnitus" - for it is not a hearing related problem, but a real measureable disturbance. There is immense input online from sufferers. ENGINEERS - please develop communication technologies that create less db's/hertz, acoustics, sound waves, etc. Develop better insulating properties for commercial/industrial noise containment. It is estimated that up to 10% of people hear LFN, but I don't know how anyone could even make an estimate when so many suffer in silence and even within a household one may hear it, while others do not. Domestic and wild animals are also disturbed since their hearing threshholds are so much superior to humans. Those who are affected now are the heralds, for many more will eventually become aware of it, as once you hear it you cannot get rid of it as you develop "sound recognition", and it only worsens. If someone you know is complaining about hearing sounds you cannot, do not dismiss them - it is real for that person. That is why so many are silent about it. It cannot be masked with white noise or noise-cancelling headphones. In my home, I heard it first, while my husband blew it off, then he became aware of it. Together we tried to get our local authorities to investigate, but that was a dead-end. Unless 50 or more hears it, they don't intend to do anything about it. I know the collapsing world economy is the worst problem this world has to face at this time, but engineers cannot do anything about that. I'm pretty confident they can do something to reduce the LFN and electrosmog.
  • Marie

    Posted 13 years ago

    Marie from California comments on Ideas from the Public
    NOISE NOISE NOISE. Manmade noise emanating from devices such as underground sewage sump pumps. Pinging Cell towers. EMF, ELF transmissions. All assortment of electronic transmissions. These assaults of noise that are horrific to body systems of man and animal and plant life is going on through the seas, land and air!!!

    I don't understand how you who are involved with these noises can go about your lives with no concern about what you are doing! And what's worse, is that Most people are not even aware! And stupidity should not be an excuse!!!

    Even though you not aware of these NOISES, they are still affecting you biologically. It happens through your nervous system, your hearing, your internal organs, your bones! It will make you irritable, and disrupt your sleep, which will eventually disrupt any life you might have!

    It will probably be a losing battle, because most of DO NOT CARE. Most of are living in a science-fiction unreality, that science can fix things! So, eventually, the toll of these noises will become apparent.
    And Please don't go about experimenting in your horror labs! I don't need any of your nightmares!!!! Walk-UP!!!

    News readers, and Weather reporters, you should be ashamed of yourselves, trying to pass off your biased dribble as investigative, or informative reporting. What a JOKE!!!!

    Why don't you investigate how city governments don't even follow their own noise level laws, and abuse the public with their farce! Investigate your water departments and how their underground sewage sump pumps are contributing to NOISE.

    These city government generated noises should be reported as part of the weather report. And also the noise levels of the military industrial complex, while you're at it, they have many noise generating operations going on too! Radio transmissions, flights, engine maintenance, etc.

    While you are all thinking of efficiency, and abundance of energy. You better compute noise generation too!!! The prime culprits so far are the water departments, and communication transmissions, electricity companies, and military.
  • Helene Elliston
    Helene Elliston

    Posted 13 years and 1 month ago

    Helene Elliston from NC, USA comments on Ideas from the Public
    As a concerned citizen, parent and scientist I would like to see more focused efforts made in the development and mainstream use of Hydrogen power for our cars. I understand this technolgy produces only water as an end product and would be of great benefit for all countries around the world. Let's have our engineers lobby policy makers & governments to provide incentives for developing this renewable source of energy rather than focusing only sun & wind power only!
  • Carlos Barrera
    Carlos Barrera

    Posted 13 years and 2 months ago

    Carlos Barrera from Monterrey Mexico comments on Ideas from the Public
    Atypical InFlow Thermodynamic Technology Submission
    Innovative (TURBO-ROTARY) Fueled Motor Engine Type

    *The Gearturbine comes from the contemporary ecological essential global needs of a efficient power plant fueled motor engine.
    -Power thrust by bar (tube); air, sea, land, power generation, work application.
    -Have the similar simple basic system of the "Aelopilie" Heron´s Steam Turbine device from Alexandria, (10-70 AD) one thousand nine hundred years ago. Because; the circular dynamic motion, with 2/Two Opposites power (polar position) lever, and is feeds from his axis center.
    YouTube Video/10.30 min; Atypical New * GEARTURBINE / Retrodynamic = DextroRPM VS LevoInFlow + Ying Yang Thrust Way Type - Non Waste Looses

    -Desirable Contemporany Innovation, With the Possible (Efficient) Invention. -Mechanical (Thermodynamic) Universal Human History Evolution. (Unlike) Epic Technology Revelation. -Next Step Powerplant New Design Form Function Device Change.

    *8-X/Y Thermodynamic CYCLE - Way Steps:
    1)1-Compression / bigger
    2)2-Turbo 1 cold
    3)2-Turbo 2 cold
    4)2-Combustion - circular motion flames / opposites
    5)2-Thrust - single turbo & planetary gears / ying yang
    6)2-Turbo 2 hot
    7)2-Turbo1 hot
    8)1-Turbine / bigger

    *Innovation Technology Breake Barrier / Paradigm (Broken-Seal) Solution. State of the art. Innovative Turbo-Rotary concept Top system.
    -With Retrodynamic dextrogiro vs levogiro phenomenon effect. / Rotor-RPM VS InFlow / front=> to <=front; "Collision-interaction Type" - inflow vs blades-gear-move. Technical unique dynamic motion mode. [Retrodynamic Reaction = When the inflow have more velocity the rotor have more velocity]
    Which the internal flow duplicate its speed,when activated being in a rotor with turn (inverse) opposite. A very strong new concept of power torque thrust.
    -Shape-Mass + Rotary-Motion = Inertia-Dynamic / Form-Function Wide (FLAT) Cilindrical shape + positive dynamic rotary mass = continue Inertia cinetic positive tendens motion / all the complete Rotary motor mass weight is goin with the power thrust move circular direction.
    -Non-waste parasitic looses system for cooling, lubrication & combustion;. -Lubrication & Combustion, inside a conduit radial position, out way direction, activated by Centrifugal Force-Fueled Injected. -Cooling; a)IN-Thermomix flow, & b)OUT-Air Thermo transference.
    -Combustion 2Two (Inside-Rotary-Dynamic) continue circular (Rockets) flames. Like two dragons trying to bite the tail of the (ying yang) opposite other.
    -Increase the first compresion by going of flow reduction of one big circunference blades going pass to 2TWO reduced, very long distance cautive compression INFLOW [inside propulssion] CONDUITS (long flow interaction) (like a digestive system) Start were ends, in perfect shape balance in perfect equilibrium well balanced, like a snake bite his own tale. -4 TURBOS Rotary (inside-rotary-active) (In-Flow, Out-Flow) Total Thrust-Power Regeneration (Complete) Power System. -Mechanical direct 2two (Small) "Planetary Gears" at polar position. Like the Ying Yang Simbol/Concept. Wide out the Rotor circunference were have much more lever [Big Torque] POWER THRUST. -Military benefits, No blade erosion by sand & very low caloric target profile.
    -3 stages of inflow turbo compression before combustion; 1)1-Turbine, 2)2-Turbos 3)2-Turbos. -And 3 points of power thrust; 1-flow way, 2-gear, 3-turbine.

    *The most innovative power plant motor engine project today. Higher efficient % percentage. Next trend wave toward global technological coming change.
    Patent; Dic 1991 IMPI Mexico #197187 - Carlos Barrera. - Individual Designer - Inventor and project owner. / All Rights Reserved. - Monterrey, NL, Mexico.
  • joshua t joyfull
    joshua t joyfull

    Posted 13 years and 8 months ago

    joshua t joyfull from here comments on Ideas from the Public
    yes i could not agree more
    thank you for sharing
    i feel so enlightened
  • Daniel

    Posted 14 years ago

    Daniel from Chicago suburbs comments on Ideas from the Public
    Possibly a scientific draft (like the military) to fix the hardest and the very worst problems
  • Daniel

    Posted 14 years ago

    Daniel from Chicago Suburbs comments on Ideas from the Public
    To require all engineers to read the bold comments on this page.